Monday, October 14, 2013

"I Cannot Afford to NOT Be Assertive"

I've been emailing this week with a reader of Hired! Yusuf is a computer programmer who recently rolled off a large contract job. With additional time on his hands he decided to explore his whole career path. I was very pleased when he shared that he pursued a personality survey such as those I discuss in Hired! He discovered that he is an INFP: Introspective, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving - a combination characterized as "The Healer." This knowledge has given him new ideas about what kind of work will make him happy.

I was delighted to hear what Yusuf thought was the Big Takeaway for him: "I did really enjoy your book. Throughout the book you demonstrate following up with people and developing relationships with them. You talk about not taking 'No' for an answer and working around this obstacle. At first I was thinking to myself, 'Oh I could never do that. That is too forward for my style.' But after rolling off my last project and going through my exit interview, I realize I CAN'T AFFORD not to be more forward and assertive. You mention in your book at some point that this is going to affect your take home pay. Boy, are you right."

I am grateful that Hired! has provided tangible value to Yusuf. He is intelligent and articulate, and has already started incorporating new options for his next engagement. He has recognized that he does not have to settle for the same old way of thinking. This is why I wrote Hired! and I have great confidence this reader is going to do just fine.